Imposition is one of the fundamental steps in the prepress printing process. It consists of the arrangement of the printed product's pages on the printer's sheet, in order to obtain faster printing, simplify binding and reduce paper waste.
You are consulting a dumbed-down page that does not use Javascript. If your browser supports it, you might want to use this version.Step 1: Choose an imposition layout
All layouts assume that your are printing a PDF files with pages much smaller than your actual paper (that is, at least two pages will be printed on each paper page). Choose a layout depending on what you indend to do with this file, or how you would like to bind it.
🔗 Copy-cut-fold: Produce several copies of the same book.
Show illustration…
Step 5: Print, fold, bind…
- Print the resulting PDF two-sided (binding on the left).
- Cut the stack of paper, to get several stacks.
- Fold each stack of paper (once).
- Bind each stack of paper you got, separately.
If option group is set, follow the steps above, but at step 3, instead of folding each stack of paper at once, fold as many pages as specified by the group option. Then, at step 4, bind the quires together, like a hardcover book.
What data are you storing about me?
The data we store are:- the PDF files you upload (for an hour; see next question);
- anonymous daily statistics (such as today, XXX files have been processed, totalizing XXX Mb..
Who have access to the files I upload here?
- Short answer: Do not upload here anything you would not want to be public.
- Long answer: Nobody will look to the files you upload. However:
- technically, I (the author and maintainer of this website) have access to everything you upload (but I won't bother reading it);
- although I did my best, there might be security issues, and your files might be publicly accessible without my knowledge;
- malicious hackers might try and gain access to the server.
How can I use this tool locally?
You can either:- install this webserver locally and run it from your computer;
- locally install the underlying tools (pdfimpose and pdfautonup). However, as far as I know, no one bothered to build a graphical user interface to them, so you will need to know a bit of command line to use them.
I found a bug. How do I report it?
You can either open an issue on Framagit or send me an email: contact(at)pdfimpose(dot)it.And if I don't speak English?
French-speaking users can contact us at the very same address: contact(at)pdfimpose(dot)it. Other languages? Sorry…I have an idea to improve the user experience: we might just…
- Short answer: NO!
- Long answer: I suck at designing easy-to-use applications. I spent ages coding this website, and I would spend hours to implement a tiny improvement. So I probably won't do it. However, if you can do it, I will be happy to merge your pull-request.
Images are barely readable. Wouldn't videos be far more explanatories to explain the different layouts?
I wholly agree. But if I were to make them, I would spend hours for deplorable results. But I will be happy to include your videos!About
This website is a free software, distributed under the GNU Affero General Public licence, version 3 or any later version. You can download the code powering it at Framagit to review it, study it, change it, download it, run it…
This website is built on top of pdfimpose and pdfautonup, which can be used offline.
Contact: contact(at)pdfimpose(dot)it.